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7 Useful verb expressions for workplace 본문


7 Useful verb expressions for workplace

Big_Ted 2021. 10. 12. 01:44

7 Important Verbs for Business


1. Come up with : (돈 / 해결책 / 아이디어 등을) 마련하다.

• Can you come up with the plan by tomorrow?

• How did you come up with the rent?

• Maybe, come up with the better plan please?


2. Put together (우리가 생각하는 get ready같은 느낌) : (이것 저것 모아) 만들다/준비하다.

• Could you put together a presentation for tomorrow?

• So, I've put together a marketing campaign.


3. Word : 일하다, 되다, 작동하다.

• I have to work late today.

• Does tomorrow work for you? 

• I don't think the wi-fi is working.


4. Keep 사람 posted : (진행 상황/ 현황을) 계속해서 ~에게 알려주다.

No worry, I'll keep you posted.

Keep me posted.


5. Move : 일정을 조정할 때 쓰는 

• Can you move up the meeting? (일정을 당기다)

• Let's move on to the next topic. 

• Let's move on to the next chapter.

• You need to move on.


6. pick up : (중단된 상황으로 돌아가) 계속하다/ 사다

• Let's pick this up after lunch.

• Let's call it a day and pick this up tomorrow.

(*) Also, I got you this coffee.

(*) Picked you up some coffee.

(buy 보다는 좀 더 부드럽게 센스있게 표현하는 방법이다.)


7. Let 사람 know : ~에게 말씀 부탁 드립니다.

• Please let me know at your earliest convenience.

• Please let me know by Friday at the latest.



sign off on : 승인하다

wrap up : 마무리하다

bring up : 언급하다

work on : 공들이다

forward : 전달하다



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